Harwood Design Builders

So, What Does An Interior Designer Really Do?

Written by Mary Furgale

We eliminate client overwhelm by taking care of hundred of decisions that need to be made for your renovation.

These are some of the steps your designer will be sure to take through your design journey.

1 | Space Planning 

We will deep dive into your space and work through problematic areas, optimizing room layouts for functionality and comfortable flow.

2 | Room Configuration and Functions

This is integral to designing a space that meets your needs now as well as planning for the future.

3 | Accessibility Needs

More and more clients are choosing to renovate so they can stay in their homes for longer. By working with a professional, we can determine your physical and cognitive conditions, as well as your family dynamics. We will work to modify your home with accessibility and safety products that will provide you with independent living and improve your quality of life.

4 | Architectural Details

Honouring the architecture of your home through elegant architectural moments will be sure to bring interest to your space. We love bringing elements of exterior architecture into a home and vice versa for smooth transitions and continuity in a home.

5 | Interior and Exterior Door and Window Styles

I think this might be one of my favourite architectural details because not only are you adding function but so much architectural character with your window and door design choices. It also becomes a tool that allows designers to play with and manipulate natural lighting within a space.

6 | Lighting and Electrical Layouts

Lighting can be a swing and a miss or a home run! We have the skillset to guide you into illuminating tasks or setting the mood with strategic lighting.

7 | Millwork Design and Storage Solutions

Custom millwork is great to not only address awkward spaces or maximize storage but greatly impacts the overall design of a space.

8 | Kitchen Design

There is so much to consider when designing a kitchen. We will work through your wants and needs and educate you on everything from cabinet organizers, door materials and profiles, hardware etc, ensuring your kitchen is not only functional but stylish as well.

9 | Appliance Selection

Appliance selections can be very overwhelming and will also dictate much of your design. We work with you to appropriately select appliances for your new space.

10 | Plumbing Fixtures

It seems straight forward but there are so many options out there and some you probably haven’t even thought of! Choosing elegant but functional plumbing elements for your home is part of our expertise!

11 | Hardware Selections and Accessories

From door and cabinet hardware to bathroom accessories, this should not be an oversight as it’s a finishing touch that will tie it all together.

12 | Wall Finishes

This doesn’t just mean paint! There are so many ways to set the tone with timeless wall treatments.

13 | Furnishings and Decor

This is where we really get to personalize your space and maximize comfort in your home. It is also something that we look at while space planning your rooms to ensure your furniture needs are met for your day to day lifestyle and comfort for your family.

14 | Budget

We all know it’s easy to dream, but the reality is a budget can determine how far we go with your renovation or build. Educating you along the way is our expertise, ensuring you are making informative design decisions and prioritizing your budget all while making your design dreams a reality!

That’s a lot! Now you can relax knowing when working with a design professional it’s covered and we can handle all of the details!

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